Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 12, 2013


  • Native American Indiangroups in North America lived in different culturalregions, each of which developed itsowncustoms and traditions. A custom is thespecific way in which a group of people does something. This can includehow foodsare prepared, what clothing is worn, whatis celebrated (and how), and much more.The set ofcustoms developed and shared by a culture over timeis a tradition.
  • A culture’s customs are often determined by the natural resources found in their environment. In the Desert Southwest region, for example, weaving of cloth probably developed as a custom because the area has fewer large animals whose skins can be used for making clothing. In the Eastern Woodlands area, however, hunting and fishing and daily activities. The easy availability of animal skins made skills like weaving less necessary.
  • The traditional roles of men and women in the native tribes had a lot of variation as well. In hunting cultures, men were often away from home during the day to hunt animals for food. Women did many of chores around the village in their absence. In cultures where crops were grown, men were more likely to do such chores, or at least to share in them.
  • Folklore was an important part of all Native American Indian cultures. They had no written language, so speaking their tribe’s stories orally was the way they ensured that they would last from generation to generation instead of being lost. Chanting, storytelling, and singing the tribe’s history, accomplishments, and funny stories also helped unite the people of the tribe.
  • Religion was an important part of native cultures. The celebration of the tribe’s faith and worship often involved special ceremonies. Harvest ceremonies were a common way to give thanks to the native gods for a good crop. Other ceremonies combined religious songs and dances with social activities that reinforced the people’s trust in their leaders’ ability to provide for their needs.

Answer the following questions based on the reading passage. Don’t forget to go back to the passage whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers.

  1. What assumptions can you make about Native American Indian tribes based on their use of ceremonies? 
  2. How else could a culture who does not have a written language communicate its stories besides orally telling and singing its folklore? 
  3. Contrast what you have learned about Native American Indian cultures and what you know about your own culture. How are they different? 
  4. In your own words, explain the importance of folklore. 
  5. Give an example of how one Native American Indian cultural region differed from another:

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