Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 12, 2013


  •  As more and more of the world became the playground of explorers who were out to seek their fortunes, convert the natives to their religion, or make a name for themselves as brave adventurers, cartographers (people who make maps) struggled to keep up with the ever-changing face of the world. In their haste to publish “newer” and “better” maps, it was not uncommon for unknown areas to be filled in according to the cartographer’s own imagination, or simply decorated with angels, spirits, or demons to represent the unknown
  • Although most explorations began as searches for new trade routes, the discovery of the Americas created new desires in the hearts of kings, emperors, and explorers. Land was scarce (hard to get) in Europe as populations grew. Every bit of it had already been claimed. The prospect of vast lands in the Americas which were filled with a wealth of resources besides, excited sailors to action and encouraged rulers to put up the money for sailing expenses in the hopes of receiving far more wealth in return.
  • Religion was another reason for exploration and colonization. When protestants rebelled against the Catholic church, calling for its reform, the Catholic church launched the Counter Reformation, a time when Catholic nations did everything they could to convert new believers to Catholicism. Establishing a new colony was an opportunity for the church to convert natives and new settlers.
  • The world became a smaller and smaller place with each exploration. Finally, in 1519, Ferdinand Magellan became the first explorer to realize the original dream of sailing west to Asia. In the name of Spain, Magellan’s crew had done something else remarkable in the process, as well. They were the first people ever to circumnavigate the globe. Circumnavigation means to sail completely around the entire world. Sadly, Magellan did not live to see the three year journey completed. He died during battle with natives in Asia in 1521. Only one of his five ships and 18 of his 250 men returned home.

Answer the following questions based on the reading passage. Don’t forget to go back to the passage whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers.

1)   Do you think it was moral for European nations to claim lands in the Americas that were already inhabited by natives? Why or why not?

    2)   Given the artistic way in which maps were treated by cartographers, how accurate do you think they  actually were during the time of exploration? 

    3)   Gold, God, and glory were three reasons for exploration. Who do you think was motivated by each? Why? 
4)   Considering that so many died, was Magellan’s voyage a success? Why or why not?

5)   Do you think land is as valued today as it was then? Explain your thinking.

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