Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 2, 2014


When and how much leisure time do you generally have in a week? I have a normal work schedule, nine to five, Monday through Friday, so my leisure time is in the evenings and on the weekends. 
When and how much leisure time do you generally have in a week?
I have a normal work schedule, nine to five, Monday through Friday, so my leisure time is in the evenings and on the weekends.

Who do you generally spend our leisure time with?
I spend my evenings at home with my family. I rarely see other people during the week. On weekends, we might get together as a family with other families that have children the same age as ours. Sometimes on weekends, I have to chance to spend time with my own friends, without my family.

What are some activities you enjoy in your leisure time?
Sometimes I just like to sit and relax because I’m so tired after work. I also enjoy talking with my family and playing games with my children. On weekends we often enjoy going to the movies together. We also spend time at the park if the weather is nice.

What do you like about these activities?
For me, leisure time is important because it’s my time to relax and be with my family. I like playing games with my children because it gives me the chance to know them better and also to teach or guide them. Also, it’s fun. I enjoy my children. After we’ve seen a movie together, we always talk about it. It’s nice to share things like this with my family. It’s interesting to hear what my children think about and how they understand things.

What kinds of music do you like listening to?
I listen to music to relax, so I generally like slow, quite music. I often listen to classical music, and I like romantic music, too.

Have you learned to play a musical instrument? Why or why not?
When I was a child, I took piano lessons for about a year. I wasn’t very good at it, though, so I wasn’t motivated to continue or to try another instrument. I just don’t think I have musical talent. But I like listening to other people play music.

Tell me about any traditional music in your country
We mostly hear traditional music on holidays or at special festivals. It’s played with guitar and some other string instruments. Some of the songs are very pretty. I like it, but I don’t get the chance to hear it much since it’s just for special occasions. There are some traditional dances that go with the music, but hardly anyone knows them anymore.

Do you think that traditional music will be popular in the future? Why or why not?
These days our traditional music is played only by certain musicians who specialize in it. Not many people know how to play it or know the songs. Children learn a few of the songs in school, but that’s all. It’s very nice music but it isn’t commonly played or listened to now, so I think in the future it will be even less common. Unfortunately, it may soon die out. I think in the near future there won’t be any more left who knows how to play our traditional music

I recently saw a movie called The Secret Garden. It talks place more than 100 years ago. It’s about a lonely little girl who is an orphan. She goes to live with an elderly relative in a big house in the country. There she discovers a garden that no one is allowed to enter. The movie is about how she discovers the secret history of the garden, and how she makes some friends in the process and isn’t lonely anymore. I saw the movie with my husband and child a few weeks ago. We saw it at the movie theater that’s near our house, where we often go to see movies. I really enjoyed this movie. It’s a nice story for children. It shows them some sad things in life – loneliness and loss, and some good things as well – friendship and gardens. It’s a little bit scary but not too scary, and the ending is very happy. The characters seem very real, and the actors are very good. The movie didn’t rely on special effects or fast action or loud music to hold child’s attention. Rather, it was a well-done movie with a good story. My children enjoyed it too and it gave us a lot to talk about afterward.

What kinds of movies are popular these days? Why do you think they are popular?
Romantic movies seen to be popular, and I think they always have been. Everybody dreams of romance, but since we often don’t have it in real life, we enjoy seeing it in the movies. Action movies are popular, too, and I think for the same reason – we don’t have much action in our lives, so we get it from watching movies.

What can we learn from watching movies?
From some movies we can learn about life in other places and other times, but we have to be careful about that because not all movies are factual. We can also learn about the same things we can learn from literature, themes like love, loss, overcoming difficulties, heroism, things like that.

How are movies different from live theater?
In the theater, everything takes place on the stage, so I think theater relies a lot more on the acting to convey the sense of place, the mood, and things like that. A movie is filmed in a real setting and can use real scenery not only to tell the story but also to convey mood, foreshadow events, and other things. Watching live theater is quite different from watching a movie, but I enjoy them both.

How do you think movies will be different in the future?
I think in the future movies will make much more use of computers. There will probably be more animated films. Special effects will be more elaborate and will probably be used a lot more. However, I think that the types of movies made aren’t going to change much. There will still be romance movies, action movies, sad movies, spy thrillers, all the same kinds of movies we enjoy now.

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